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Alaskan Wildlife

You never know what we might see out on the road.

We will almost always see moose, we often see caribou, and occasionally bears.

We are occasionally asked, "Will I be eaten by a bear?"  

The answer is, "No, you will not be eaten by a bear."  

Bears don't like people, so they keep away.  While we occasionally glimpse a bear, we rarely get a chance to get a camera out before it disappears into the woods.

We often see foxes, rabbits, and porcupines.  Very rarely we see lynx. 

There are no snakes or reptiles in Alaska.
Here is video of a moose we
 encountered while canoeing.

 We were all surprised when it decided to swim across the lake!
   Click to view  >>>
And a video of a Caribou we saw while hiking along a glacial moraine. 

<< Click to view
  Eagles are a common sight in many parts of Alaska.  The close-up on the left is cropped from the picture on the right...   
  We regularly see the big Trumpeter Swans. 

We see Arctic Terns, the world's longest migrating birds.